Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Prayers for my dad, please

As some of you know, he's been in a local nursing home for almost a year now. Recently the opportunity to move him to St. Joseph's Manor in Brockton, has come up. We are investigating this for him and could use some prayers to help in the discernment process. It is a lot further away from me so I'm sort of divided over this, but if it is the best for him and within God's will then ofcourse I'll be thrilled. He'd be down the street from my brother and most importantly within a Catholic setting...the residence has a chapel and they hold Mass there each week. I'm going to go over there this afternoon with my brother to check it out. Please keep all of us in your prayers.

While we are at it let's also pray for all the elderly in nursing homes and their families, and for those that are in the process of making this very difficult decision.


  1. UPDATE: My dad is moving to St. Joseph's Manor today...please keep the prayers going.

  2. I just came from visitin him and the place is wonderful. Praise God! There is Mass twice a week and a Eucharistic Service the other is such a blessing.
