Monday, July 21, 2008

Queen of the Family

Litany to Mary, Queen of the Family

There are so many families in desperate need. They require your protection. They need your guidance.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who have become lax in their faith and even entangled in error. They need your clarity and security. They need your courage and strong faith.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who lack spiritual and material possessions. They need your help. They need your intercession.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who have become too weak in order to resist temptations. They need your strength. They need your purity.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who experience difficulties in educating their children. They need your motherly love. They need your educative hand.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families torn apart through a loss of true love. They need your goodness. They need your loving understanding.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

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