Saturday, December 15, 2007

a pure heart

Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world:

"The truth is clear only when the soul is pure, and so purify this Christmas and see like you have never seen! See the truth. See the full picture. Stop imagining the worst.
Ask Our Blessed Immaculate Mother to give you immaculate vision. Purify yourself by elevating yourself into a mindset of love. Go to Confession. Fast before the feast.
This will help you observe matters in a new, fuller way -- and that can be the source of what Christmas is all about: comfort and joy. Go for it!

It is the time of year when matters can be unusually lucid and you should take advantage of it: 'Lord, let me have new eyesight. Let me see what I should see, clearly. Let me see reality in more fullness.'"

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