Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Universalis: Vespers

Universalis: Vespers:
"Prayers and Intercessions:

Christ the Lord lives among us and we are his adopted people.Let us praise him and offer him our prayers:
- Lord, listen to us and show your greatness.

Lord, king and ruler of the nations, guide all peoples and all who exercise power
that they may work together for the common good, according to your laws.

You conquered our captivity and took it prisoner:
restore to freedom our brethren who are captive in body or in soul.

May our young grow up irreproachable in your sight
and may they wholeheartedly follow you when you call.

Make children follow your example
and move steadily forward in wisdom and grace.

Take up the dead into your eternal kingdom
where we hope one day to rule at your side"

Fresh Fire

Fresh Fire
David Hamilton and Don Moen | Copyright | 2006 Gratia Music (adm by The Loving Company)/ASCAP and Integrity's Hosanna! Music/ASCAP

Fresh fire let it fall
O God hear our call
Send Your Spirit like a rushing wind
We need fresh fire

We are hungry we are thirsty
Crying out for more of You
Lord we are desperate for Your mercy
Let us burn to know Your Truth
Light a flame in us now
Send Your holy fire down

We have left our hearts unguarded
We confess we've walked away
Lord take us back to where we started
Where we first found love and grace
Light a flame in us now
Send Your holy fire down

More of Your love
More of Your power
Send a revival
We need it now
Stir up a fire
Let it burn brighter
Let the flame burn higher
higher higher

Revive us again

from Fr. Ron

"This weekend, with the Feast of Christ the King, we bring our liturgical
year to an end. The question we all need to ask is has this year brought us
closer in our relationship with Jesus? Is He the king of my life? As you
know, we were created to be in friendship with God. If Jesus is not the
center of our life, then we are not fulfilling the purpose of our life.
Hopefully, we can all say that we have made progress in our spiritual growth. If we have, let us
continue to grow. If not, let us make the effort to do so, starting today. One suggestion is to
take time every day to tell Jesus how you are feeling, what is happening in your life, and where
you need help. Also, thank him for your blessings every day."

Wendy Cukierski

Subject: Fwd: Prayers needed for Wendy Cukierski
Whitman was born at 7:36 a.m. at 8 lb and
>> 20"...everything was fine until 11 when Wendy started to
>> hemorrage...she's on her 2nd unit of blood and they were blowing
>> veins trying to get a line into her, but Walt said it's slowed down
>> now. We need to get her on the prayer lines although I think she's
>> doing better. Please start praying and forward to your prayer
>> partners, warriors, whomever!

a personal request

If you could all please say a quick prayer for my family today. Our dog (a black lab that we've had for over 13 years) is going to be put down today. The kids seem to be doing ok...me...not so much.

Thank you.

Universalis: Morning Prayer (Lauds)

Universalis: Morning Prayer (Lauds):

"Psalm 23 (24)

The Lord comes to his temple The Lord’s is the earth and its fullness, the world and all who live in it. He himself founded it upon the seas and set it firm over the waters. Who will climb the mountain of the Lord? Who will stand in his holy place? The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart, who has not given himself to vanities or sworn falsely. He will receive the blessing of the Lord and be justified by God his saviour. This is the way of those who seek him, seek the face of the God of Jacob.

Gates, raise your heads. Stand up, eternal doors, and let the king of glory enter.

Who is the king of glory? The Lord of might and power. The Lord, strong in battle.

Gates, raise your heads. Stand up, eternal doors, and let the king of glory enter.

Who is the king of glory? The Lord of hosts – he is the king of glory.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen."

Universalis: Office of Readings

Universalis: Office of Readings:

"Concluding Prayer

O Lord our God, grant that we may always find joy in serving you; for if we constantly serve the one from all good things come, it will give us perfect happiness for ever. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God for ever and ever. Amen."

Short Stuff

Short Stuff : A Catholic Reflection:
"Like Zacchaeus, we are all short – short on money, brains, opportunities, patience, strength, etc. We can spend our lives on tiptoe, up trees, and climbing ladders, or we can live for Jesus.

PRAYER: Jesus, because You died on a tree, I don't have to climb one. Because you climbed the hill of Calvary, I don't have to climb the ladder of success. I thank You, adore You as God, and totally give my life to You."

Days of Elijah