Wednesday, January 30, 2008


USCCB - (NAB) - January 30, 2008:

"Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it
and it produced no grain."

As we prepare to enter into the Season of is a good time to look around us and note any 'thorns' that may be trying to 'choke' God's Word from our lives. The thing with 'thorns' though, is that they don't always appear sinister...if they did, then it would be easy enough to stay away from. But regardless of appearances...what is the fruit? If it is not bearing fruit...let's chop it off.

Women's Conference

Hi, all,
The Boston Women's Conference is scheduled for Friday, April 18th, starting at 5PM at Boston College. The Keynote speakers this year are Kimberly Hahn, Patti Mansfield, and Stacy McGovern. I've heard both Kimberly Hahn; Patti Mansfield speak; they are fabulous! You can read more info about these women; get more info on the conference at BBCCspeakers2008.pdf


I got the above from my homeschooling group and I really, really want to attend. Anyone else thinking of going?