Monday, November 26, 2007

Universalis: Vespers

Universalis: Vespers:
"1 Thessalonians 2:13 ©

We constantly thank God for you because as soon as you heard the message that we brought you as God’s message, you accepted it for what it really is, God’s message and not some human thinking; and it is still a living power among you who believe it."

Praying that we may live in intimate relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ...listening for God's messages and promptly matter the cost.

Cursillo Weekend

Hi Essy, I will pray for you and the folks on your prayer list.

Please keep the team and candidates for this cursillo weekend in your prayers. It starts Thurs. evening. I will be doing a 4th day witness talk.

May God continue to bless you with all good things.

Mary Regan

Christian Unity

ANALYSIS: Will Anglicans Come Home to Rome? - Catholic Online:

"Sources indicate that a formal request from a large group of Anglicans for full communion with the Catholic Church is also to be discussed. Bishops of the “Traditional Anglican Communion” (TAC) officially petitioned for what they called a “full, corporate, sacramental union” with the Roman Catholic Church. The letter was personally delivered to the Holy See by their representative. "

Continued prayers that true Christian Unity may one day be achieved.

Holy Spirit Rain Down

Universalis: Morning Prayer (Lauds)

Universalis: Morning Prayer (Lauds):
"Prayers and Intercessions

Our Saviour has made us into a royal priesthood offering acceptable sacrifices to God. Let us thank him and ask him: - Lord, help us to serve God.

Christ, eternal Priest, you conferred your holy priesthood on your people.
Grant that we may ceaselessly offer acceptable sacrifices to God.

Be generous with the gifts of your Spirit:
patience, kindness and gentleness.

Give us the gift of loving you,
so that we may possess you, for you yourself are love.

Give us the gift of doing good,
so that we may praise you simply by living.

Grant that we may seek whatever is best for our brethren
and ease their path to salvation."

Universalis: Office of Readings

Universalis: Office of Readings:
"2 Peter 1:1 - 11 ©
From Simeon Peter, servant and apostle of Jesus Christ; to all who treasure the same faith as ourselves, given through the righteousness of our God and saviour Jesus Christ. May you have more and more grace and peace as you come to know our Lord more and more.

By his divine power, he has given us all the things that we need for life and for true devotion, bringing us to know God himself, who has called us by his own glory and goodness. In making these gifts, he has given us the guarantee of something very great and wonderful to come: through them you will be able to share the divine nature and to escape corruption in a world that is sunk in vice. But to attain this, you will have to do your utmost yourselves, adding goodness to the faith that you have, understanding to your goodness, self-control to your understanding, patience to your self-control, true devotion to your patience, kindness towards your fellow men to your devotion, and, to this kindness, love. If you have a generous supply of these, they will not leave you ineffectual or unproductive: they will bring you to a real knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. But without them a man is blind or else short-sighted; he has forgotten how his past sins were washed away. Brothers, you have been called and chosen: work all the harder to justify it. If you do all these things there is no danger that you will ever fall away. In this way you will be granted admittance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and saviour Jesus Christ."

Prayer for Today: May we be filled with Faith, Goodness, Understanding, Self-Control, Patience, True Devotion, Kindness and Love.

Maye each one of us and our family members be able to 'escape corruption in a world that is sunk in vice'.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit! Amen.