Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Meal Time

Intercessors Of The Lamb

"We come to the table every day, no matter how busy we are, even though we might be eating on the run, but we have to be fed. Have you ever thought at Thanksgiving, "Oh I'm never going eat again? I'm just stuffed". But we are there the next day. We have to come back to the table of the Lord, as well. We have to come back into His presence. He is there for us, a personal friend. He is there for us as our Shepherd. He is there for us to feed us so that we do not fall by the wayside. We must make our prayer time a priority. If He is our friend, if He is our Beloved, if this time with Him is our top priority, if we are convinced that it is the one thing necessary, then we will be there. We will be there seeking God in quiet communication. We will come apart and simply rest awhile in his presence. Each day you need to have a quiet time. It might just be that you have to go in the bathroom and lock the door. It might be a little prayer chair you have or a prayer closet, some place where the family knows that this is your time and you can have that space because God said, "I want you to know Me. But you need to be still. You need to be quiet.""

Excerpt from Mother Nadine’s, “Gift of the Desert,” Corpus Christi, TX 2006

Live the Life

Preach the gospel to all the world, and if necessary, use words.
-st. francis of assisi

Were passengers aboard the train
Silent little lambs amidst the pain
Thats no longer good enough
And when its time to speak our faith
We use a language no one can explain
Thats no longer good enough

And God knows its a shame
As we look to pass the flame
We are not the worthy bearers of his name


For the world to know the truth
There can be no greater proof
Than to live the life, live the life
Theres no love thats quite as pure
Theres no pain we cant endure
If we live the life, live the life
Be a light for all to see
For every act of love will set you free

Theres something beautiful and bold
The power of a million human souls
Come together as one
And each in turn goes out to lead
Another by his word, his love, his deed
Now the circle is done

It all comes back to one
For it is he and he alone
Who has lived the only perfect life weve known


setting captives free

Intercessors Of The Lamb:
"And what is the Spirit saying to us? He is saying the same thing that He said to Jesus. Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to bring good news to the poor” ( ). Mother Teresa of Calcutta especially showed us our poverty of spirit. So many people don’t know God. So many people are estranged from God. So many people are starving for God’s love, joy, and compassion. God loves to come and bring His Good News to the poor, proclaiming freedom to the captives. Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to proclaim freedom to captives” ( ). "

USCCB - (NAB) - December 11, 2007

USCCB - (NAB) - December 11, 2007:
"Like a shepherd he feeds his flock; in his arms he gathers the lambs, Carrying them in his bosom, and leading the ewes with care."

Today's Prayer: May we be filled with a burning desire to also 'feed His flock'. May the needs of others carry a higher burden within us then our own.

JOY = Jesus, Others, You.

Praise God!