Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is (With Lyrics)


And Jesus is the One that can show me. Maybe that is why we choose to stay hidden from Him...because deep down we know what a relationship with Him REALLY entails. To accept the love that He is freely giving us means that we are to turn around and love in the same way. This is a scary thing to do in the natural...it's easier to keep others in pre determined boxes and therefore at arms length. However, He never said that we had to go about it all on our own...in fact that would be a recipe for disaster. We have Him with us every step of the way.

Oh Lord, teach us to love like You.

I remember my mom (who was a very wise woman often saying 'everyone loves, loves, but no one is willing to do anything to help each other'.  I can now see the great wisdom in those words. The great love story that is Christmas is only complete when it is put together with Good Friday and Easter. God's great love for us in not reflected so much in the fact that He came to live as one of us, but that He came to suffer and die for us.

While I'm Waiting by John Waller {Fireproof music video with lyrics}

The waiting game...

I was feeling His call to start blogging again, I log on here and find that it has been exactly one year since my last post...WOW..God is good!

USCCB | NAB - December 21, 2010

The LORD, your God, is in your midst,
a mighty savior;
He will rejoice over you with gladness,
and renew you in his love,
He will sing joyfully because of you,
as one sings at festivals.

In this season of Advent as we wait on the Lord let us keep in mind that He awaits on us also. Eager to bestow on us all that we have been seeking...salvation, renewal, love, joy.

He is in our midst, why do we keep travelling to "foreign lands" to fill our needs? Everytime that we immerse ourselves and seek gratification in our own passions, we turn our backs on Him and His loving provision for us. We in a sense pack our bags and eventually flee His presence...whether we fully realize it or not. He doesn't move...we do. He instead waits patiently like a good and loving Father and watches for our return...any gesture that signifies our readiness to return no matter how small or insignificant is met by His loving embrace. Can you imagine the Lord, the Creator of the Universe singing for the love of you? Can you think of a better reason to start heading back home to Him?