Tuesday, July 22, 2008

YouTube - Days of Elijah

YouTube - Climbing Mt. Carmel

apart...in the midst of Carmel

USCCB - (NAB) - July 22, 2008:

"Shepherd your people with your staff,
the flock of your inheritance,
That dwells apart in a woodland,
in the midst of Carmel."

Monday, July 21, 2008

Queen of the Family

Litany to Mary, Queen of the Family

There are so many families in desperate need. They require your protection. They need your guidance.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who have become lax in their faith and even entangled in error. They need your clarity and security. They need your courage and strong faith.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who lack spiritual and material possessions. They need your help. They need your intercession.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who have become too weak in order to resist temptations. They need your strength. They need your purity.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families who experience difficulties in educating their children. They need your motherly love. They need your educative hand.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

There are so many families torn apart through a loss of true love. They need your goodness. They need your loving understanding.

Mary, Queen of Families, we implore you!

Friday, July 18, 2008


EXAMINATION OF CONSCIENCE - The ten commandments: "If you realize that you are not doing the right thing, then repent.
Come to the Lord with a humble and contrite heart."

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Prayers for this Professor

Professor who threatened desecration claims to have consecrated Hosts

Let us pray for him.

Sounds like a good reason to go back to Communion in the tongue only though...geesh.

New SpringWidget

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Lay Carmelite Celebration

"My Lay Carmelite Community will be having our yearly Feast Day Celebration where new aspirants are received and those who are ready to make a commitment are professed. I will be making final profession myself and would appreciate your prayers...for me, my family and my community. Also if you would like to stop by, the ceremony will be held at the St. Therese Carmelite Chapel at the North Shore Mall in Peabody(MA) at 10 AM on Sunday, July 20th. There will be a small reception afterwards. I would love to see you there.

Thanks for the prayers, and please know that each one of you will be in mine.

God bless,

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Living our Scapular Consecration

Living our Scapular Consecration: "ACT OF CONSECRATION
(to be said daily)
O Mary, Immaculate Queen of Carmel, Mother of God, and my Mother, the wearing of thy holy Scapular signifies that I am entirely thine. Assist me this day, and obtain for me the grace to live faithfully my Scapular Consecration, whereby my heart, my mind, my body, my whole being, is thine without reserve, forever. Amen."

Monday, July 7, 2008

Praying in tongues

Spirit Daily - Daily spiritual news from around the world: "'There is a particular power over evil when praying in tongues, simply because it is praise of God,' says the cleric. 'Praise was rejected by the devil and his angels, and now that Christ has rescued humanity from the power of Satan, the praise of God can act like 'a two-edged sword to deal out vengeance' to the enemies of God (Psalm 149). (A priest) points to praise as the very power that tongues has over evil.'"

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Is Medjugorje Real?

Mother Of All Peoples - Is Medjugorje Real? Facts and First-hand Accounts

Medjugorje Graces

Medjugorje Graces: Message to visionary Mirjana on July 2nd, 2008:
"With equal goodness and generosity behave towards the souls whom you meet. May your love convert them."

This is POWERFUL stuff and so timely for me personally. The thing that I still struggle with is when to speak up and when to remain quiet. We may think that 'loving others' means that we are to go along with all that we see all around us...but that's not necessarily the 'loving' thing to do. If you saw someone that you care for very deeply...perhaps your own child...headed in a very dangerous direction, you would most likely say something. But then again you need to know your audience and what they are ready to hear also. Earlier in this message Our Lady says "With motherly love I desire to encourage you to love your neighbor. May my Son be the source of that love." Perhaps that is the key...if all we do and say comes from the Source of all love Himself, then we should be fine.