Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Preparing for the Feast

From Fr. Ron (taken from this week's buletin)

"The appearance of snow brings to mind the passage from Isaiah 1:18:
“Come now, and let us reason together”, says Yahweh. “Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall
be as white as snow.” Yes, when we confess our sins, they are washed away and our souls become
as white as snow. This Advent Season is a time of preparing for the coming of the Lord in
a new way into our lives.

When we are expecting a guest, we prepare for their coming by cleaning up our house. One way
for us to prepare for Christmas is to go to confession and have our souls become as white as snow
to receive Jesus. The sacrament of reconciliation is a sacrament to receive the mercy of God.
When we receive that sacrament, our sins go on the cross of Jesus. It is there that He pays the
penalty of our sins and we are washed clean, not by soap and water, but by His blood.

Mary, in some of her apparitions, is requesting monthly confession. As our mother, she knows
what is spiritually good for us. Do a spiritual good for yourself this Advent and go to confession
and have your soul become as white as snow. Cards are available in the foyer to help you in examining
your conscience and in reciting the Act of Contrition. Next week, opportunities for confession
will be listed. If you are at the North Shore Mall, you can visit the Carmelite Chapel or in
Boston; St. Anthony’s Shrine. Both places schedule confession many times each day."

For those of us who may need a little extra help to get ourselves to Confession...may His mercy and grace be abundant.

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